Welcome to my world!

Hello there!
Where will my imagination take you?
It’s a wonderful place. It may be the same plane of existence as you are right now but I’ll show you how to look at things in fun and maybe quirky ways. Ready?
Let’s start.
Do you know the origins of your name? Some of us were gifted with awesome names. I love my name and I’ll forever thank my parents for that. “Cyra” is a Greek or Persian name, meaning ” sun, throne or lord”. “Africa” is, as we all know, a huge continent. One of the possible origins is the Latin word “aprica”, meaning “sunny.” So what does that make me? Well, I get to decide that right? I pick “sunny”. My parents told me that when I was a toddler, one of my favorite songs was “You Are My Sunshine” (the short happy version). I also use to sing that to my daughter when she was a toddler and I’d change some of the lyrics with silly ones. “You are my stinker/My only stinker…” then we’d giggle as she’d protest.
I know I don’t always have a sunny disposition but hey, even the sun is allowed to hide behind the clouds or moon every now and then.
That’s it. Look up your names’ meanings and pick the awesome ones then try to live your life accordingly. If you really hate your name (because there are awful ones like THE baddie in WWII!), pick a nickname you like and tell folks that’s what you’ll respond to.
Here’s my request: if you’re expecting babies, please spend a lot of time picking out the names of your children. You’ll want to be thanked for their first gift ever: their awesome names.